Sunday, March 23, 2014

Creative Love

You can tell a lot about a person by the things they like. I have created a small list of a few things I love so that you can get to know me better. Things I love that can be seen in what I create...
  • God!!! He is a great inspiration for me when I am creating. I was created to use my hands and make lovely things!
  • My family! They are a great source of inspiration!
  • Crosses: Beautiful and a great reminder of how much I am loved!
  • Birds: The songs they sing are beautiful...
  • Feathers: I just like them...what else can I say?
  • Crowns: Well of course my King wears a crown. First a crown of thorns and now a crown of gold.
  • Keys: Antique keys are my favorite. They are not plain like today's keys. The old ones remind me of old country homes.
  • Arrows: They are geometrically pleasing to me. Especially the whimsical ones. 
  • Anchors: The Lord is an anchor for my soul. He keeps me grounded and I don't drift away.
  • Trees: I have always observed and admired trees for as long as I can remember. As a child my family traveled a lot. I spent much of my time looking out the window. Maybe I was envious of their roots.
  • Flowers: Especially wildflowers. They grow anywhere and are lovely freshly picked.
  • Cats: What can I say? They are cute and fuzzy. I have three and they are part of our family. 
I hope I can inspire someone with the inspirational gifts I create. I genuinely create from my heart and I pray that it shows in my work. <3 br="">

Enjoy your week with the ones you love most and make some memories!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Why Buy Handmade?

I love me some pinterest! It's one of my favorite things to do before bed :) I found this wonderful saying and I wanted to share.

"When buying from an artist/maker, you're buying more than just an object/painting. You are buying hundreds of hours of failures and experimentation. You are buying days, weeks and months of frustrations and moments of pure joy. YOU AREN'T JUST BUYING A THING, you are buying a piece of heart, part of a soul, a moment of someone's life. Most importantly, you're buying the artist more time to do what they are passionate about." -Rebekah Joy Plett

This pretty much sums it up... When my mind wonders it always goes to craft projects I am working on or want to start :) This is my passion. I absolutely love creating! I also love God! So naturally I enjoy mixing the two. This is why I make inspirational gifts. I definitely give a piece of my heart and soul into every item I make. I pray that others can see that in my work. It also gives me a chance to share God's love with others. 

I realize that everyone has their own style. Mine tends to be more whimsical and vintage inspired. I am a Christian but my style shouldn't be shoved into a tiny box so that I can be accepted by others. I am an individual. I don't want my items to be shoved into that box either. I want them to be a representation of my style that others can relate to.

 I am continuing to add inspirational gifts to my shop. You can add a handmade card to your order as well. I am open to custom orders and would love to create something just for YOU! I am working on getting gift wrap options added to my Etsy shop so keep an eye out for that.

 In the meantime, enjoy your loved ones and have a beautiful day! 